In Ghanaian folklore, Ananse the Spider is used to represent a very clever person. Sometimes , he is shown using his cunning to trick other creatures and eventually getting punished. At times too, Ananse would do good to his fellow men and save a situation. Here is one Ananse story that shows how clever he […]
There’s book A great book that I know The greatest book of all time That ever was bestowed on mankind Written by some forty odd people Whose lives spawned across the ages Prophets, Kings, Fisherfolks and shepherds Its authors were. Sixty-six books in all Divided into Testaments two The Old as well as the New […]
There was a boy named Troy From the village of Samreboi He had a favourite toy Which brought him so much joy One day this poor boy Lost his beloved toy Which made him lose the joy He got from his favourite toy One day when poor Troy Was cleaning up the room he […]
N – Natural O – Original T – Talented R – Remarkable E – Excellent D – Daring A – Adventurous M – Maverick and E – Experienced
There was once a goat named Opapo. Opapo was a billy-goat.he was very naughty and haughty. He did not obey his mother and he did not respect anybody either. One day, when Opapo went to the riverside to drink water a large crocodile seized his legs in his very powerful jaws. Opapoi screamed in pain, […]
Drug abuse is common among young people these days. When we take a drug without a prescription we call it drug abuse. Prescription is normally done by a doctor. If a person takes a drug without prescription, it may result in an overdose. Some people take drugs that are not prescribed by a doctor. Some […]
Did you know that of all the common words in the English language, only FACETIOUS and ABSTEMIOUS contain the five vowels arranged in their correct order : a, e, i, o, u ? Did you also know that the word MAD in English means the same as ‘DAM in Akan? DAM is MAD read […]