- All students shall be required to report to school every schooling day by 8:00AM and shall not leave the premises before 3:30PM.
- No student shall be permitted to leave the school premises save with prior permission from a member of the school Management Team.
- Parents and Guardian’s shall ensure that their wards report to school in accordance with paragraph (a). Of this section above.
- Students may be refused entry to the premises by the Management if they are in breach of these Regulations 1(a) and 1(b). A repeat violation will result in the suspension for three days. Any further violations of Regulation 1 (a) and 1 (b) will result in dismissal.
No student in this school shall bully, extort or in any manner whatsoever appropriate money or any item from another student.
Any student in breach of Regulation 2(a) will be punished by manual work as first offender; suspension by a duration to be determined by the Disciplinary Committee as a second time offender and dismissal from the school as third time offender.
- All students of this school (from Class 1 to JSS 3) shall be required to have their hair cut short, evenly and combed nicely.
- Plaiting of hair and other decent chemical-free hairdos are permitted among Primary 1 to Primary 6 girls.
- Girls in JHS 3 are permitted to do only corn-roll hair style. Rasta and any other types of hairdo will not be encouraged and pupils who breach this rule would be refused entry into the school premises.
- Bangles, chains, rings, beads, fanciful earrings and anything in like manner shall not be worn to school save for small earrings in the case of girls.
- Any students in breach of this rule will have the offending items seized by Management.
- All students are expected to take part in all class tests and all other official examinations conducted by the school. A failure to take part in such tests and examinations shall be punishable by dismissal.
- Cheating in whatever form it takes during examinations and tests shall be considered a serious offence punishable by cancellation of the student’s paper and dismissal of the offender.
- Any student who repeats the same class twice shall, on failing to make it to the next class on the third attempt, leave the School and seek admission elsewhere.
- Admission of a child midstream into the school shall be based upon the child’s proving him/herself meritorious in an entrance examination conducted by the School for that purpose.
- In the case of the Junior Secondary School, a student will only be promoted to J.H.S.3 after he or she has successfully attained the minimum qualifying score set by the school’s educational committee. Otherwise the failed student will have to repeat J.H.S.2 till he/she is declared eligible for promotion.
All homework assignments should be supervised and signed by parents. Any student who habitually fails to do his/her homework assignment shall be punished in a manner as prescribed by the School Authorities.
Sexual misconduct of any form is not allowed in this school and is punishable by dismissal if committed by any student.
- This school shall not tolerate the flouting of the Authority of members of the staff. Students found culpable shall be punished either by manual work, suspension and summary dismissal or by any other method as the Disciplinary Committee deems appropriate.
- This school shall not tolerate the flouting of the Authority of SCHOOL PREFECT or SENIORS. Such conduct shall be punishable by either manual work or some other forms of punishment as the Disciplinary Committee deems appropriate to choose.
- Fighting, quarrelling and other forms of violence as well as foul utterances are not allowed in this school.
- Any student found in breach of REGULATION 9(a) shall be punished by manual work at first time offence; suspension by a duration to be determined by the Disciplinary Committee as a second time offence and dismissal from the school at the third time offence.
Stealing in all its various forms shall not be entertained in this school. Any student found culpable will be warned or suspended as deemed appropriate by the Disciplinary Committee.
The use of mobile phones by students shall not be tolerated in this school. Offenders will be warned as first time offenders and suspended or dismissed as second and third time offenders respectively.